Adler Staff Star: Meet Lucianne!

Editor’s Note: Updated in May 2023 to reflect more current and updated information.
Lucianne W.
Former Astronomer
Why do you love working at the Adler?
I love working at the Adler because I get to pursue cutting-edge research while being an “Ambassador to the Stars!”
What is the most memorable thing you have done during your time at the Adler?
The Adler Galaxy Ride! Last fall a team of us created a biking science roadshow, where we cycled from Chicago to St. Louis as a way of mapping out distances in space. We put on free fun science events in cities and towns along the way, and made a lot of people really happy.
What is the most mind-boggling fact about space you know?
Did you know that all gold is created when stars die in gigantic explosions called supernovae? The fact the the Earth has enough gold for us to make jewelry out of means that the stuff our planet (and entire solar system) formed from was sprinkled with gold from a nearby stellar death explosion, billions and billions of years ago.