Tag: constellations

Adler Skywatch: May 2024
Adler Skywatch: What’s in the sky throughout May, 2024? Learn how to see Saturn, Mars, Mercury, and bright stars like Fomalhaut, Arcturus, and Spica.

This summer, get off this planet with Adler Zooniverse
Header Image: Help researchers complete 8 different Adler Zooniverse citizen science projects while traveling the universe with Adler Space Tours! Summer plans looking a little sad this year? I have good news: There are more places in space than you could visit in a million summers—not including travel time. And you can explore a few […]

Pictures In The Sky
Header Image: This celestial globe from the Adler Planetarium’s collection shows the 88 constellations and their corresponding boundaries—which are the light blue lines on the surface of this globe—defined by the International Astronomical Union (IAU). On January 10, 2016, I was among the millions of music fans who staggered at the news that David Bowie […]

Discover: The Big Dipper
It’s night and you’re looking up into the night sky. What’s the first constellation you see? If you thought to yourself “the Big Dipper,” you’re not alone! In Western culture, it’s often one of the first things we learn to recognize in the night sky as children. For many people in the United States, this […]

Adler Staff Share What Inspires Them
It’s Astronomy Day! On such a day we could seize the opportunity to talk about what it feels like to look up through a telescope or how our collections experts preserve centuries-old astrolabes or the latest updates on our Adler teen-led underwater meteorite hunt… but as I watch the people around me do what they […]