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Tag: Dark Energy

A spiral galaxy with a yellow dot in the center and blue and white dots spiraling out from the center

Universe-Sized Questions: Dark Matter, Dark Energy, and the Big Bang

Wednesday September 28th
Michelle Nichols and Geza Gyuk

Header Image: This is NGC 1365, the barred spiral galaxy a part of the Fornax Cluster. Image Credit: NASA/JPL-Caltech/SSC Dark matter. What is it? Why can’t we see it? And how is it related to dark energy and the Big Bang? Every day, we (the astronomers at the Adler Planetarium) get asked curious questions about […]

Adler Zooniverse Citizen Science Platform

This Citizen Science Month, join a real research project with Adler Zooniverse!

Monday March 15th
Aubrey Henretty

Did you know that anyone (that means YOU) can become a citizen scientist? If you’re reading this, you already have everything you need to contribute to real research projects—and maybe even discover something no one knew they were looking for! April is Citizen Science Month, and you can celebrate by joining the millions of Adler […]

Whirlpool Galaxy taken by Adler Planetarium Telescope Volunteer Bill Chiu

You Asked, Our Astronomers Answered!

Thursday May 7th
Colleen Cesaretti

Header Image: A beautiful image of The Whirlpool Galaxy taken by an Adler Planetarium Telescope Volunteer. Image Credit: Bill Chiu Our universe is vast, mysterious, and ever expanding! Astronomers are constantly discovering and uncovering new secrets about space, which we know can lead to lots of questions. What is a black hole? When can you […]

This image depicts a cluster of distorted galaxies. The distorted shapes in the cluster shown here are distant galaxies, from which the light is bent by the gravitational pull of dark matter within the cluster of galaxies.

AstroFan: The Spooky Case of Dark Matter

Sunday October 27th
Bianca Anderson

Header Image: The distorted shapes in the cluster shown here are distant galaxies, from which the light is bent by the gravitational pull of dark matter within the cluster of galaxies. Image Credit: NASA, ESA, M. Postman (STScI), and the CLASH Team Greetings fellow astro-fans! Halloween is almost here, and as you know, it is […]


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