Tag: Skywatch Weekly

10 Things You Should Know About The Mars Perseverance Rover Mission
Header Image: Illustration of Mars Perseverance landing on the Red Planet. Credit: NASA/JPL-Caltech Blog Last Updated: March 2022 Humans have been fascinated by the fourth planet from the Sun for centuries. At one point, there were some astronomers who were absolutely convinced that canals—created by alien life—stretched across its surface. One thing is for sure: […]

Adler Skywatch: February 2021
Header Image: Mars can be seen here during its opposition in October 2020. Image Credit: Astrophotographer Nick Lake Is that bright “star” in the sky really a star, or could it be a planet? There’s plenty of both to look for this month, February 2021! Shortly after sunset, look high in the south-southwest skies to […]

Behind The Scenes With The Host Of Skywatch Wednesday
Meet the man behind the Adler Planetarium’s Skywatch Weekly YouTube show that gives you a weekly virtual tour of what’s up in our sky.