Adler Staff Star: Meet Meredith!

Meredith Stepien
Experience Developer
Experience Developer—that’s a pretty fun title! Can you tell us about your role and what you do here at the Adler?
I’m a creative developer in the Adler’s Guest Experience department! I design experiences through programming and exhibitions.
March is Women’s History Month. Who are some of the women who have been most influential in your life?
JANE AUSTEN!!! For life!!! I love reading her books and thinking about feminism in the Regency era. I wish I could go back in time to visit her! Then I could also meet Caroline Herschel, another amazing femme regency heroine!
The non-regency women I love are all musicians, since I’m a musician too! Kimbra, Emily King, Beyonce, Lucius, and Tune Yards—to name a few.
Aside from your role here at the Adler, we hear that you are also an actor with the critically acclaimed StarKid production group!? What has been your greatest memory made while acting for them?
I have so many memories with StarKid, it’s hard to pick one! Something I’m most proud of is the music I wrote for Firebringer, which has turned into one of our most popular musicals! I also just love traveling with StarKid and meeting fans of our work. It’s the best!
If you had the opportunity to take a 10-year-trip to Mars, would you do it? Why or why not?
No… I like my home planet too much, and I’m also pretty scared of space! I LOVE Star Trek, but often think about how scary it must be to live on the Enterprise and deal with red alerts all the time and also have to deal with new aliens that are scary in infinite ways every day. I’d just be hanging out in the holodeck pretending to be back on Earth on the beach all day!
Why, in your opinion, is space freaking awesome?
Space is freaking awesome because of the infinite possibilities it offers. I LOVE thinking about how things form, and how things could change or be different elsewhere in the universe. It’s SO BIG! Thinking about the Universe helps center me!