Tag: Aquarius Project

Aquarius Project Update: The Lab Results Are In
Header Image: Adler Teens venture onto Lake Michigan in 2019 looking for fragments of a meteorite! Listen. It’s been five years since a meteor crashed into Lake Michigan and a team of Adler teens, scientists, and other determined meteorite hunters decided to go after it. The odds were stacked against them at basically every turn. […]

The Aquarius Project Podcast: The Full Story
Header Image: Adler Teen’s who were a part of the Aquarius Project used this underwater sled to search for meteorite fragments. This teen-led underwater meteorite hunt is the podcast you need right now First: The elevator pitch. A meteor crashes into Lake Michigan. An actor who works at the planetarium on the lakeshore assembles a […]

A Day Aboard the Neeskay
This July, I had the pleasure of joining a small group of teen interns, scientists, and podcasters onboard the research vessel Neeskay. As a lover of maritime history, open water, and Moby Dick, it was something of a wish-fulfillment for me. Like the infamous Captain Ahab and his motley crew, we were in search of […]

The Aquarius Project Podcast: Episode 4
Header image: The Aquarius Project sled in all its (current) glory. New to the Aquarius Project? Start here! (Really, go. This post will make a lot more sense once you’re caught up.) I am pleased to announce that the fourth installment of the Aquarius Project Podcast is available now! The Aquarius Project sled did not […]

Defying Boundaries in the Museum World
The Adler Planetarium opened to the public on May 12, 1930, forming a triumvirate of museums with the Field Museum and the Shedd Aquarium in what is nowadays known as Chicago Museum Campus, a beautiful park by Lake Michigan. In 1932 the Adler’s first director, Philip Fox, wrote: “the three [museums] are fittingly closely associated […]

Episode 3 of The Aquarius Project Podcast is Now Available!
Episode 3 of the Aquarius Project Podcast is available now! If you’re new to the series, start here. It’s been a minute since our last update about The Aquarius Project, the Adler Planetarium’s one-of-a-kind underwater meteorite hunt. If you haven’t been following #aquariusproject on Open Explorer or your social media platform of choice, you might […]